Friday, March 28, 2014

Robby's 10!!

Part of me cannot believe Robby is double digits - the other part of me isn't surprised as he seems so mature for his age. Here are ten of the first words/phrases that come to mind when I think of Robby:

  1. intelligent
  2. responsible
  3. soccer
  4. kind
  5. wry humor
  6. chess
  7. video games
  8. trampoline
  9. patient
  10. upbeat
(if I had 14 traits, I'd add competitive, sensitive, helpful, and blue eyed ;) 

I love this boy and am so, so grateful God let Rob and I raise him. He adds so much to our family and especially enriches the life of his siblings. My heart is so full when I think of what a blessing our little "baby Robby" is!

We went for a family walk on Robby's birthday, which was on a Sunday. We walked by these horses - they immediately wanted to come say hi. Zoe met her first horse, nose to nose!

 Robby was pretty excited about his gifts!
 So was Jacob. :)
 So was Dade. =)
 The next night, Robby and I went for a walk - he asked if we could go see the horses again.
 That Tuesday, Robby's pinewood derby car took second place!

Here are some pictures from Robby's bday party at Provo Beach Resort. I like his group of friends.

Some fun gems from the past:

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